Voltarol - related music

Saturday, 3 September 2011

New season on the radio...another gig at Hayle

Adventures in the Din Trade - the Radio Show - starts a new season this coming Wednesday evening at 9.30 pm on The Source 96.1 fm. at 9.30 pm. At last, "the late night show that - for your convenience - comes to you in the afternoon" is actually a late (ish) night show. I shall be reviewing some new releases, playing some of my own stuff and generally enjoying myself. If you want to catch the show on line then see 'Voltarol recommends' (right hand side of page) for a link.

On Friday, Que Belo Castelo are back at the Cornish Arms 86 Commercial Road, Hayle TR27 4DJ01736 753237 . Kick-off is at 9 pm so if you can make it we'll be glad to see you!

In the meantime I continue to work on the Silvia Nicolatto project. I have also set up a My Space page which might be of interest to you.


insanityclaws said...

Hello Pete..Voltarol,whoever you are!
Jamie here (Scottish person Irish name)of old Uxbridge days.
Good to see you still music nut of the best variety, will try to catch your show online. Still got that Lys
just hello!

Voltarol said...

Hi Jamie. Good to hear from you! You can contact me direct on voltarol42@gmail,com
What are you up to these days? Where are you living? Which way is up? Why is there air? I came across some pictures of you in my photo archives the other day. We were out for a walk with my son Phil somewhere near Henley, circa 1982 or 3. Do get in touch. Jackie and I would love to hear from you again...