Voltarol - related music

Thursday 8 May 2008

"The time has come", the Walrus said...

Well, having set this thing up I now need to think about its contents. There is a certain feeling of "Who put you on the thing in the first place?", to quote from an old Bill Cosby routine. I have tended to the opinion that Blogs were, by and large, somewhat self-indulgent and pointless things, but then it occurred to me that although that may well be the case about this Blog, the only people who are going to follow it regularly are the ones that are interested. So I'm only wasting my own time.

I have been closely involved with music for most of my life, both as a practitioner and as an enthusiast. Along the way I've met and/or been involved with a whole raft of interesting and -occasionally - famous people. One of those was the late - and to my mind great -George Melly, whose wonderful book 'Owning Up' has been something of an inspiration for these pages. I should hasten to add that I was never particularly a fan of Melly's music : it's his abilities as a writer that impressed me. I have never read anything so funny or so true as the aforementioned volume. Having said that, the real culprit here is probably my friend and one time musical cohort, Leigh Heggarty, whose excellent Blog - Leigh's mad world of guitars - has persuaded me that this is a worthwhile thing to do. So there you are - it's his fault.

Along the way you may expect the odd musical recommendation. I'm an habitual proselytiser and this is the perfect medium for that habit. You may also expect the occasional burst of enthusiasm for a book (see above), concert reviews, food talk, wine waffling and general observations about Life, the Universe and Everything (aka '42'). Who gives a stuff about what I think? Well - nobody, probably. But if there's anybody out there that does, then you'll come back to these pages. And if you don't come back to these pages, well - no harm done.